sweet love message for my wife

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sweet love message for my wife

Husband wife relationship

I don't want the kind of love that was between Laila and Majna, but I want the kind of love that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had

  And Hazrat Khadijah was between

A noble woman

A noble woman with whom she is connected once becomes her everything and there is no question of whether she will give her life, she will not even think of shirk.

You are a man!

  If your presence is so terrifying, any woman passing by should be fearless."

Good husband

  When daughters are happy with their in-laws, they reduce their visits to the house because without a husband, the heart is not happy.

Husband & Wife

  When the father-in-law gives true love to his wife, the wife gives a higher status to her husband than her parents.

Stone woman

  A woman is a stone that no hatred in the world can break. Whenever a woman is broken by love, it is only a little.

A Woman's Life

  Money is not everything in life, if you have a loving and understanding partner, a woman lives like a queen even in poverty.

Husband wife

We live in such a society that if a woman wins her husband's heart, the first accusation against her is witchcraft.

Wise wife

  A wise wife is the one who makes her husband great in the affairs of life, because God has made her husband great in death.

Pure woman

  A chaste woman will be more beautiful than Horo in the hereafter.

The best man

The best man is one who is late to anger and quick to agree.

With wife

  The companionship of a cheerful wife in the bitterness of life is a great blessing of the Lord, who removes all the sorrows of the husband with sweet words, loyalty and sense of belonging.

rich man

  The richest man is the one who has the loyalty of a woman in his pocket."

Wife Kaman

  A wife can say whatever she wants to her husband, but she can never bear it if someone else does evil to her husband.

sweet love message for my wife

Just as a wife brings life to clothes by ironing, in the same way by showing respect in front of everyone, life also comes to a wife.

A husband's love

  After the worship of Allah, if there is anything that makes the soul happy, then it is the true love of husband and wife, and the husband wants to make his wife feel the love so that the wife is dazzled by the husband's love every moment.

There are a million faults in a husband, but the strong frame of the house is the husband.


A little sensitivity will ease all the sorrows of the wife.

  A wife is the best friend for a wife than her husband and for a husband there is no better friend than his wife

  The only friend who will give the best advice because no matter what, good and bad situations both have to face together. This is friendship.

Best Male Training

Respect for wife, modesty, and caring man are trained by the hands of a good mother.

Allah has given woman for man's peace, man should not spoil his peace by disrespecting her.

Try not to wait for your wife to get married and mother-in-law to get her rights.

A devoted husband

  If everyone is a sincere person, then the wife tolerates all kinds of difficulties in the in-laws.

Indifference of the husband makes the wife psychotic.

A woman needs a man who will support her in everything she does, respect her and fight against the conditions of the times for her sake.

  Spousal relationship

  When the wife talks to the husband with love, the heart of the husband is more at home, so when the husband talks with love, this world is no less than heaven for the wife.

Kissing the wife

Kissing the wife on the forehead is one of the most sophisticated forms of husband's love.

Lucky women and some women are so lucky that they fight with the world to get their love and men and cry before Allah.

A woman's jihad A woman's jihad is to obey and serve her husband.

Marriage of choice is also a social abuse against a woman that she cannot ask for a relationship for herself even though it is a Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) to ask her daughter for her choice.

wife's lap

  Sleeping with your head on your wife's lap is a Sunnah of Rasoolullah.

Four Ways of a Wife A wife makes her husband happy in four ways: by her appearance, by her conduct, by her affairs, and by her makeup. Therefore, the wife should make a decoration for her husband while living within the limits of Sharia.

sweet love message for my wife

A wise woman, a foolish woman makes her husband her slave and becomes the wife of self-slave

  Just as Allah has given the rights of parents and siblings

In the same way, wives also have rights

It includes providing a good living to them, fulfilling their requests, living with them ethically, etc

And whoever does not pay the dues of his wife, shows his inability to fulfill them and makes her cry for no reason and keeps threatening that I will set you free.

So Allah orders the angels to go to his house because he did not value his wife, take away the blessing from his house and make him suffer from hardship.

If this person makes any supplication, do not let his cry reach me and keep these things away from him until he asks forgiveness from his wife and she forgives him.

Don't listen to him until he tries his best to pay his dues

Beloved Prophet ﷺ said that there are three things in the world that I like very much and whatever I like is also liked by my Allah and among those three things.

The first prayer I like very much and Allah also likes it very much.

Shame and modesty be upon her that no non-male could ever see her veiled face

Our beloved Prophet liked these three things in the world and if we don't appreciate these blessings, then it is called unappreciated and how then may Allah shower His mercy on us.

You should respect your wife as much as possible and never put unnecessary pressure on her

That there is only one who takes care of your whole house, never steals work in any work, does everything with heart.

sweet love message for my wife

Even cleaning the house, taking care of the children, cooking everything, she does everything alone and even washes and irons your clothes.

If you have to do the same work to everyone, then they charge thousands of money for one job and that wife does all the work with her own pleasure and never even bothers herd.

So always value them, listen to them, take care of them, pay their dues, they don't deserve them, then see that your home will become heaven in this world.

Such blessings and mercies of Allah will descend on your house that you spend your whole life in thanking Allah.

The husband should praise his wife less and realize more that the realization is not less than a blessing for the wife

The relationship between husband and wife is not about competition but about love.

People who are good and understand each other never play with each other's feelings

That woman is very lucky to have her husband anxious for her in her absence

A man says that a single woman is not safe. But for what reason did it not happen?

A noble woman, with whom one connects once, then she is everything to him, there is no question of anyone else's shadow.

  Husband and Wife Karishta The Qur'an has described husband and wife as each other's clothes. Clothing not only hides a person's physical defects, but also increases his beauty.

There should be such a relationship between husband and wife that both cannot live without each other

Indifference of the husband makes the wife and indifference of the wife makes the husband psychotic

Best husband and wife

  The greatest characteristic of the best husband and wife is that they do not stop thinking and worrying about each other despite their differences and resentment.

If a woman is taken in love and trust, she can give life, but she cannot give faith

Husband and wife work

There is no aspect of winning or losing in the relationship of husband and wife. Fights do not result in this relationship. Rather, the beauty of this relationship is to make peace with each other without any consequences.

The wife and Allah Ta'ala have given the reward of charity for giving her a feeling of love by hugging her to the chest.

A woman is truly happy with her husband when he praises and encourages her

Wife's companionship is a great blessing of God in the bitterness of life. A happy wife's companionship is a great blessing of God, who removes all sorrows of her husband with her sweet words, loyalty and sense of belonging.

Both husband and wife are incomplete for each other. When Allah created Hazrat Adam, he was alone in paradise despite all the blessings. Allah Ta'ala created Amma Hawa to end their loneliness. It is known that life like paradise is incomplete without a wife. Husband and wife are created for each other's comfort.

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