miss you long poems long distance love

smiling poems

Writing your name makes us smile

By remembering your love, the heart starts to entertain

This heart does not find peace in any party

You begin to torment our hearts, my fellow travelers

Your innocence is yours

My heart misses my comrades very much

You are as beautiful as we thought

Be a little crazy, be a little clown

Sometimes you start smiling, sometimes you start crying

Our hearts miss you very much, my comrades

Whenever we meet you, we hug you

Now we will tell you our heart, we will tell you by crying that we miss you a lot, you torment us a lot

You smile in our dreams and haunt us even in our sleep

Writing your name makes us smile i miss you

Remembering your love, the heart starts to entertain

miss you long poems long distance love

beautiful love 

How beautiful the maker made you

We will continue to see you

Like a fairy has landed on earth

Everyone is surprised to see you

You are so beautiful, we keep looking at you

Your face is very beautiful like flowers

There will be no such beautiful face in the world

You are very beautiful, your face is very innocent

Our heart is crazy about you, you are so beautiful

How beautiful the maker made you

We will continue to see you

Your scent smells like flowers

Our heart will not become yours

We have fallen in love with you, you have won our hearts

You are beautiful flowers like you are so beautiful

  How beautiful the maker made you

We will continue to see you

happy love

Every time you smile, our hearts are happy

You look so beautiful whenever you smile

Your every reward steals our hearts distance love 

We are falling in love with you just by looking at you

Every time I meet you, my heart beats faster

This heart of ours is now yours, we have fallen in love with you

The fragrance of your words gets absorbed in our breath and our heart does not feel anywhere

We have fallen in love with you, this heart is now yours

You are missed in every happiness, you are missed in every sorrow

We miss your love in our hearts

Our breath moves by looking at you

My life will pass with you

Every time you smile, our hearts are happy

You look so beautiful whenever you smile

miss you long poems long distance love

pray poems

We will never be separated from you, we will never be afraid of you, we will stay together

We smile only for you We live only for you How to tell you We are only yours Every happiness seems incomplete You become

How can I tell you that you are my every happiness?

That you are my life, we are only yours

You should never be separated from us, you should never be afraid of us

Tears came to your eyes, always smile

May you have happiness for all time

We pray that you always smile 

May sadness never come to you, always smile

May all your wishes be fulfilled, we pray

You never lose in any field  long distance love 

I pray for your name, Shahji

We will never be separated from you, we will never be afraid of you, we will stay together

 beautiful love

If we get your love, we will smile and live

We made you a bride and started living by making you smile

You never leave our company, we never leave your company, we will make such promises as a journey

By being each other's support, we will never fall

You will win your happiness from every difficulty

Both of us will not lose from this time

If we get your love, we will smile and live

We made you a bride and started living by making you smile

You are very beautiful, you are very young

We live by seeing you  miss you 

Seeing you makes our face smile

Our hearts find peace when you meet us

We are starting to feel the fragrance of your scents

You look so beautiful when you walk with us

We made you a bride and started living by making you smile

You never leave us, we never leave you

miss you long poems long distance love

dreame love

I dream with you now every day every night

You go now and let our hearts rest in peace

Our heart has fallen in love with you

Will tell you when you come

I have not spent all the things of my heart with you

This heart does not seem to miss you anywhere

We miss you every moment

You come to us and let us tell you that you are not living

May you become the companion of our life

We beg you to do this

You become our companion, this difficult life will become easier if you become our companion

By making you our own, we hide you in our hearts

You will be ours on every difficult path

May our hearts find peace

I dream with you now every day every night

You go now and let our hearts rest in peace

Our heart has fallen in love with you

missed love you

Let us be your name, you only be ours

May your heart become ours is our dream

We will find happiness at every step if you find us

And we don't ask for anything from the Lord, just give us one

We will live with a smile even in sorrow

If you meet us, we will live with a smile

Every time you meet me, our heart is happy. You have a face like flowers, you smell like roses. You have stolen our sleep. You have not stolen it from me.

You are missed and your innocence is missed

Let us be your name, you only be ours

May your heart become ours is our dream

You are the beauty of our eyes, your beautiful face

We see a beautiful face in our dreams

Your face is beautiful like flowers

We make every happiness of life in your name

Our heart we do this in your name

We will never be able to live without you being separated from us

We will tell you how important you are to us

Let us be your name, you only be ours

May your heart become ours is our dream

miss you long poems long distance love

beautiful face love

What a beautiful face, how ugly eyes

Love sees with eyes

  The Lord has made you my love

When your eyes are lowered, the evening falls

Those who wake up and walk in the morning

So, if you laugh, the buds will open

I am ashamed to see you

Your goat is scattered

Your fragrant breath

How did your cuckoo speak?

Your sweet sweet words

Yes, I want to see you like this

There are other senses in the world

There will be no one as handsome as you

Colorful young crazy body

So Hassan Shabab belongs to Gulshan

Spread fragrance from your body

It is sweeter than fairies

Whatever I thought

He found everything in you

In one of your payments

Give charity a hundred times

Trust love poems

My dear, my dear

Trust me

As indecisive as I am

Make yourself uncomfortable

Understand my Heartbeats

You love me too

Those winds, those crap

What is the scene in my eyes in Mor La Aunga?

  What is the feeling? There is a river nearby

Keep your eyes on me, as indecisive as I am

Make yourself uncomfortable, you too will love me

In my memories in my dreams

Why do you persecute with your arms and your ways?

  Steal yourself from the world long distance

Wait a little while I am indecisive

Unsettle yourself, feel my heartbeats

How can you love me too?

How to trust, how to ignore your beats, how to trust, how to love you

miss you long poems long distance love

my heart love

  Wandering like a cloud, the star of my heart

Sometimes moving here sometimes there, this is the love of love

The heart is afraid to find where the heart is looking for

Don't meet us too often

What is eagerness if there is no love?

The heart does not know what this heart is saying

Do not believe this heart

Look, we don't want Sanam like that

There is pain in the ways of love

How many passes are still far away

Why are both forced in love?

The arrow of the eyes should not cross anywhere in the heart

The heart is afraid of meeting, lest it fall in love

Don't make me mad with this madness

It says every heartbeat

I know where it's fun

Look, don't become a heartthrob

How is the pain?

It is neither conscious nor determined

It should not be difficult to live and die somewhere

The heart is afraid of meeting, lest it fall in love

Wandering like a cloud, the star of my heart  long distance 

Sometimes moving here sometimes there, this is the love of love

 love story

  Let me tell you a love story

One that boy one that girl crazy

She also started laughing, he also started laughing

Both of them did not know that they were falling in love

  Let me tell you a love story miss you 

One that boy one that girl crazy

Those who were not supposed to listen also started listening

Every laugh is coming to me on this

How both fell in love

He did not know what he was supposed to know

  One that boy one that girl crazy

Let me tell you a love story

She also started laughing, he also started laughing

Both of them did not know that they were falling in love

Let me tell you a love story

Who was afraid, who was anxious

They met like this, the heart did not even beat

But it will happen

Life will be lost in the way of love

Dil ne ki dil se such arbitrariness

One that boy one that girl crazy

She also started laughing, he also started laughing

Both of them did not know that they were falling in love

Let me tell you a love story

miss you long poems long distance love

broken heart love

You never intend to meet

Will is broken Will is broken

Come to me whenever you want

My love is only for you, don't ever panic

But never try to meet in dreams  long distance 

Dreams are broken, they are painless, the rituals of this world make it difficult to fulfill vows of love and loyalty

Do not pass through the roads with dreams like glass

Glass breaks Glass breaks

You never intend to meet

Will is broken Will is broken

Come to me whenever you want

My love is only for you, don't ever panic

miss you long poems long distance love

first love poems

You are my first love

I don't understand what to do, my heart is aching for you

My heart is starting to ache for you

   You are my first love when I write your name and entertain my heart

How can we tell you this?

A meeting with you is necessary

Our crazy heart is compelled

It longs for you

He dreams that you will be mine

I decorate this dream every day

Seeing your path, we do not understand, nor do we understand

That you are my first love

How to tell you

You have become my life

You have become my every happiness

How can I tell you?

Our love is only for you

We are only yours

You are my first love

How can I tell you?

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